The documents you’ll need to show when you apply for a loan depend on the type of borrower you are and the type of loan you’re after.
For example, a self employed first home buyer will need to gather together a slightly different set of docs to an investor or a refinancer.
Most borrowers need to show their:
- Two most recent consecutive pay slips.
- Most recent group certificate.
- Identification documents equivalent to 100 points.
Self-employed borrowers need to show their:
- Last two years personal and business tax returns and ATO assessments.
- Identification documents equivalent to 100 points.
If you’re refinancing you’ll also need to show:
- Statements for the last six months of any existing home loans or personal loans.
- Your most recent rates notice and building insurance policy on the property to be offered as security.
- Credit card statements for the last six months if the card is being refinanced as well or just your most recent credit card statement if card is NOT being refinanced.
If you’re buying somewhere new you’ll need to show:
- Bank statements for the last six months to show your savings history.
- Evidence of term deposits, shares and other investments (statements, certificates, etc.)
- Statements for the last six months for existing home loans and personal loans.
- Your most recent credit card statement.
- A copy of the sale contract for the property being purchased.
If you are an investor, you’ll need to show:
- Evidence of the investment property income such as a copy of the lease, rent appraisal or rent receipts.
- A rates notice for each property you currently own.
If you are building a new home you’ll need to show:
- A copy of the builder’s fixed price tender (including all specifications).
- A copy of council approved plans.
Anything else?
To get a loan open or open a bank account in Australia, you need to pass the Federal Government’s 100 point system to prove you are who you say you are. A passport and drivers licence is usually enough. Your Broker will let you know exactly what you need.