Don’t Spam! We hate you hate everyone hates it.
Loanseeker discourages spamming. You should only send referral messages to friends and family who genuinely want to receive them. By participating in ‘Refer a Friend’, you agree to these ‘Refer a Friend’ terms and conditions:
- Only Friends & Family: You must only send referral messages to close friends and family. Do not market or promote this offer through paid advertising channels or to the public at large (i.e. on public blog sites, search engines or in sponsored ads).
- Ask Their Permission First: You must ask the person for their permission to send them an email about our service. Sending emails to people without consent is considered spam.
- The Offer: For every person who you refer to us that settles a loan through loanseeker over $150 000 you and they get a gift. Your friend’s reward will be equal to yours when they apply for a home loan or car loan, and are approved and settle.
- Gift cards are either mailed to you or emailed whichever is practicable. This is done in the month following you referred friends settlement.
- Cap Referrals: $50 AUD VOUCHER PER SETTLED LOAN. You may only send referral messages to a maximum of 1000 friends and the amount of Reward you may receive under the ‘Refer a Friend’ program is capped at $50000 per year.
- Your friend must apply and settle within twelve months of you referring them. If your friend applies and settles after this time you will not receive your gift card.
- You will only receive rewards if your friend’s Loan application is approved and they reach settlement (in accordance with our usual Loan application processes and assessments). Note: We will not tell you if your friend’s Loan application is approved or declined for privacy and confidentiality reasons.
- You cannot refer a friend who already has used Loanseeker's service previously or has been referred by another person within 12 months.
- You must be give us your correct name, email address and address for identification and disclosure details
- It may take 8 to 10 weeks to be credited with you gift.
Why should I comply?
If you fail to comply with these ‘Refer a Friend’ Terms and Conditions, your participation in the program may be
cancelled and you will no longer be eligible for any Reward or Gifts from the ‘Refer a Friend’ program.
Loanseeker's Lender approval criteria apply. All information is correct as at 1 December 2016 and is subject to change. This offer is only available to those who reside in Australia. This offer is adminstered by (ABN 23747543011) ®Registered Trademark of